Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hazelnut Coffee Soap

I made some more soap and I just love the way this soap smells! Hazelnut coffee...yummy! My soap room smells great from this soap. I can't wait to use it! My friend Carol took some great pictures for me of the bar I gave her. Cudos to Carol H.! She is such a sweet lady and takes great pics. This one I made with cream, olive oil, shea butter, coconut oil, safflower oil, castor oil, hazelnut coffee and fragrance oil.

Friday, September 26, 2008


It seems as if our government is following the manual "Causing Hyperinflation for Dummies" that requires huge government debt, printing money, and an immobilizing fear of repercussions to government actions (no one wants to get blamed and no one wants to cause a recession/depression). All these actions are a path the US government is clearly following.

Here is a summary of an article from

So What is hyperinflation? It is very basically unchecked out of control inflation.


Germany, 1922-1923 -- During the hyperinflation episode in Germany from 1922 to 1923, the Weimar Republic printed postage stamps with a face value of one billion marks, as prices doubled every two days. At one point in 1923, the exchange rate equalled one trillion Marks to one dollar

Yugoslavia 1993-1995 -- prices increased by 5 quadrillion per cent

What Causes Hyper Inflation?

Usually, countries with hyper inflation have the following features:

-Large government debt, usually over 100% of GDP. (Henry Paulson, by the way, is asking for an increase in the legal ceiling on federal debt to $11.3 trillion or 70% of GDP.)

-Printing Money. To cope with meeting the debt, the government starts printing money. This decreases the value of existing money creating a multiplier effect where people lose confidence in money and keep demanding wage increases.

-Reluctance / inability to deal with it. When Germany experienced hyperinflation in the 1920s it was not a phenomena they fully appreciated or understood. Their primary fear at the time was unemployment. They feared that unemployment could precipitate a Communist Revolution so they didn't want to do anything to reduce demand and possibly cause a recession.

Lack of Confidence in the Finance Sector

The experience of inflation can become engraved on people's mind making them suspicious of financers, bankers and the general economic system. It is no coincidence the Nazi party were able to feed off these suspicions to introduce extremist policies.

I write about this because it will have a great impact on our way of life as Americans. It will impact your ability to borrow money, to purchase anything due to higher cost of goods, etc. That means be prepared now with tangible goods. Gold will not feed you. Silver will not feed you. Just like having an emergency kit for a natural disaster, have an emergency stock for an economic emergency. If the fool says it could never happen then Murphy's Law says it will happen! Those who laugh now will laugh last when it happens I think. Katrina could never happen, 9/11 could never happen and they have. I'm just sayin'-ya' know?! :)
Here is the link to the above summary of an informative article describing hyperinflation in greater detail:

Auto Industry Bailout and Deliberate Degradation of US Dollar

Auto Industry Bailout and Deliberate Degradation of US Dollar

$25 billion this year alone, to the Auto Industry? Not exactly big news compared to $700 Billion but it is being passed through congress. But the effects of passing such a bailout is already snowballing.

For some reason the government sees it of benefit to "tank" the dollar. Everytime the FDIC is allowed to back these loans and bailouts, it ultimately comes from the US Treasury which we the taxpayers are footing the bill for. While we may not receive a new tax bill in the mail, we will see it in inflated prices for everything due to excess of currency in print.

Using the current crisis atmosphere to quickly push through this bailout is reminiscent of the Patriot Act, the most wide-spread threat of civil liberty in US history.

I wouldn't be surprised based on articles from the Council on Foreign Relations and elsewhere if this opportunity isn't used down the road to consolidate currency in some form with either North American countries or even other industrialized nations.

Obviously, their argument would involve fear tactics and an appeal to strengthen currency confidence. In reality this is their plan for consolidating wealth and furthering their plans for a "New World Order". This would result in the dissolving of the sovereignty of the United States and the Constitution. It may not happen right away but maybe next year we should know if the atmosphere is set for it. It is bad but not bad enough, yet.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I am just livid about this. Please feel free to add your comments.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

How to Relieve Your Environmental Impact Burden Forever

Did you know the Academy Awards gave all presenters and performers 100,000 pounds of carbon emission offsets? Did you also know the money was sqandered on such companies as Waste Management, a 3 billion dollar company? Is lining the pockets of these corporations your idea of paying for your contribution to the demise of the planet? Really!

Is this the answer to stop global warming? Besides the the obvious fact that greedy corporations have found yet a new way for you to transfer your money to their accounts, is it really effective?

Then it hit me. It can be done, in a much simpler way and you can help! You have a great opportunity to part with your hard earned money and offset your impact to your city by adopting an off the grid family. Yes, you can relieve yourself of your burden of cash and guilt by donating your money to a family that is living the way you wish you could live.
For the price of a taco, you can making a great contibution right here in the United States for the good of the planet .

For about a dollar a day, you can enable families who don't have access to grid power to purchase solar panels, wind generators, solar water heaters, carbon-eating trees and more.

And, in response to your generous contribution a plot of garden space will be reserved in your name. This includes a custom paver stone engraved with your name, becoming a permanent fixture in their organic, carbon gobbling garden.

So join us at and adopt a family today. You will offset 50% of your environmental impact for just a dollar a day...that's $30 a month. To fully offset your impact each month requires only an additional $25 per month. For the greater good, give today.
To see an example of a family you could sponsor please visit

(P.S. The above is a total satire, there is no website offering this service, LOL.)

Monday, September 8, 2008

2nd Official Year of Homeschooling

My oldest daughter is 6 and has just started her first grade year of homeschooling. We have chosen to use a classic literature/Charlotte Mason approach for the past 2 years.

There are a couple of wonderful websites for Free Homeschooling Curriculum that I wanted to share with you:

These websites have been a God send to me. Not only are they free online curriculums for grades k-12 but they are of excellent quality.