Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Celebrating Holidays

My friend Carol posed the question on her blog about what others think of how Christians should celebrate holidays such as Halloween, Easter, Christmas, etc. I thank her because it got me thinking and I am usually better at expressing things on "paper" rather than talking. So this gives me a good opportunity to express my thoughts and be prepared when someone asks why I do what I do.
There is a lot out there as far as evil is concerned on Halloween. My kids look at me when they see something halloween related that is "scary" because they know it's bad and are looking for my reaction to it. I ask them what they think of it, whether it be a blood dripping vampire costume at walmart or a witch, etc. and they say it's not good because God doesn't like it. I take those opportunities to praise them for recognizing that and remind them that there are things in this world that many people will say is ok but that it doesn't make it ok with God and we shouldn't accept it just because everyone else is. I think it is an important lesson for our children in the future because this world is only getting worse. Evil will most likely invade their world in the future even more than it does today until God has had enough and comes back. I want God to say to them "Well done good and faithful servant" because they have stood as a testimony to the world that they will not participate in something just because everyone else is, thereby telling their friends that what they are doing is OK. It provides for a good opportunity to share their faith in Christ when their friends and family ask about it. In the spirit of seeking peace and goodness during Halloween I do like alternative costume, fall parties etc. without the gory stuff and NOT on Oct. 31st so they see that Christians can still have fun and not be the party poopers, yet still glorify God.
As far as Easter and Christmas goes, they are understood today as "Christian" holidays. It is the world that is trying to distract us from our purpose for the holiday in today's society. Long ago the origins of Christmas and Easter were pagan celebrations. History in this case though is irrelevant to many because it was so long ago its origins are not widely known. It is widely known to be Christian in modern society, however. My children know we celebrate those holidays giving glory to God/Jesus and do not include such fantasies as the easter bunny or santa clause to divert their attention from the true meaning we are trying to convey to God, praising him and thanking him.
Yea, you read that right: my kids do not believe in Santa Clause, the Easter bunny, tooth fairy, or other fantasy characters our society likes our children to believe in. We have pleanty of fun and my children are not "deprived" for lacking Santa in their lives.
As a Christian I would be a liar if I expected my kids to believe in Santa. Many people have lost their faith because as children when they found out there was no Santa, tooth fairy, easter bunny etc. they correlated that to there must be no God either. "My parents lied about it all." is what one person told me "Why should I believe there is a God either?" Fortunately, God gave me that opportunity to share my faith with him! My family probably thinks I am a killjoy but when my children's salvation is on the line, I don't mess around.
What do you think?
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Pumpkin Chili

This recipe sounds interesting, I'm willing to try it. It may be just the recipe I need to get me into the "feel of fall". I'll post my results later but here is the recipe:
2 lbs. ground beef
1 onion, chopped
1 green bell pepper chopped
2 cans kidney beans (I'm going to use black beans instead I think)
1 can tomato juice (46 oz.)
1 28 oz. can diced tomatoes
1 can pumpkin puree
pumpkin pie spice
chili powder(I think I will use cumin instead)
1/4 c. sugar (I'm not sure if I'll use this ingredient or maybe try a sample with a small amount of molasses instead first...)
simmer for 1 hour and serve.
Monday, October 20, 2008
A Look Into the Future...With Obama as President
A Bit over the top, but in a crazy way it is funny and scary at the same time.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Letter to Senator
Here is the letter I sent to my senator who voted Yes in the Stabilization Bill:
Dear Senator Kyl,
Thank you for your response to a previous email urging you to vote no. Please consider these points as to why the "stabilization" bill is a bad idea:
1. Creates lack of confidence in banks, markets, and the currency.
2. Government control of capital is govt. control of capitalism. Capitalism would have punished those who did wrong. Who is the government to bend capitalism to do your bidding?
3. Why would companies with debt worth anything want to participate in this?
4. It did not repeal the Community Reinvestment Act
5. Gives the Treasury TOO much power. Since we do not elect the Treasurer this is a very bad idea!
6. Brings us closer to hyperinflation by raising the debt to 70%-85% of our GDP, printing more money, and the reluctance of congress to deal with the problem. Instead you continue to make it worse by spending more money with a bottomless bank account, as proof by the shameless pork added to the bill and most other bills.
7. We will be stuck with the bill via inflation
8. It is unconstitutional for this bill to originate in the senate because of the added new taxes and a suit should be filed against all senators who voted yes on this bill by violating their oath of office.
I hope the "do nothing congress", turned "do something congress" will become the "do the right thing" 111th congress.
Dear Senator Kyl,
Thank you for your response to a previous email urging you to vote no. Please consider these points as to why the "stabilization" bill is a bad idea:
1. Creates lack of confidence in banks, markets, and the currency.
2. Government control of capital is govt. control of capitalism. Capitalism would have punished those who did wrong. Who is the government to bend capitalism to do your bidding?
3. Why would companies with debt worth anything want to participate in this?
4. It did not repeal the Community Reinvestment Act
5. Gives the Treasury TOO much power. Since we do not elect the Treasurer this is a very bad idea!
6. Brings us closer to hyperinflation by raising the debt to 70%-85% of our GDP, printing more money, and the reluctance of congress to deal with the problem. Instead you continue to make it worse by spending more money with a bottomless bank account, as proof by the shameless pork added to the bill and most other bills.
7. We will be stuck with the bill via inflation
8. It is unconstitutional for this bill to originate in the senate because of the added new taxes and a suit should be filed against all senators who voted yes on this bill by violating their oath of office.
I hope the "do nothing congress", turned "do something congress" will become the "do the right thing" 111th congress.
government intervention,
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Banks don't have to back your account with all
The Financial Services Regulatory Relief Act was passed in 2006. I'm not sure what prompted such a bill and the fact that it is law is just scary. What is worse is that hidden in the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 are ammendments to this bill that give Banks the right to carry 0%-3% of deposits in available cash effective October 1, 2008. That means the changes eliminated the requirement for banks to keep reserves of cash on hand to cover deposits. So if you go into a bank and want your money they can tell you "Sorry, we're out of cash for the day." and it is perfectly legal. Take a look if you don't believe me:
Financial Services Regulatory Relief Act of 2006, Section 202, 203:
Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, Section 128 :
Here is the Original Code:
The Financial Services Regulatory Relief Act of 2006 made changes to the United States Code TITLE 12 - BANKS AND BANKING, CHAPTER 3 - FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM, SUBCHAPTER XIV - BANK RESERVES.
These changes weren't set to take place until October 1, 2011 but the bailout bill has ammended that date to October 1, 2008. Yea, yesterday.
Financial Services Regulatory Relief Act of 2006, Section 202, 203:
Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, Section 128 :
Here is the Original Code:
The Financial Services Regulatory Relief Act of 2006 made changes to the United States Code TITLE 12 - BANKS AND BANKING, CHAPTER 3 - FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM, SUBCHAPTER XIV - BANK RESERVES.
These changes weren't set to take place until October 1, 2011 but the bailout bill has ammended that date to October 1, 2008. Yea, yesterday.
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