Monday, October 6, 2008

Letter to Senator

Here is the letter I sent to my senator who voted Yes in the Stabilization Bill:

Dear Senator Kyl,

Thank you for your response to a previous email urging you to vote no. Please consider these points as to why the "stabilization" bill is a bad idea:

1. Creates lack of confidence in banks, markets, and the currency.
2. Government control of capital is govt. control of capitalism. Capitalism would have punished those who did wrong. Who is the government to bend capitalism to do your bidding?
3. Why would companies with debt worth anything want to participate in this?
4. It did not repeal the Community Reinvestment Act
5. Gives the Treasury TOO much power. Since we do not elect the Treasurer this is a very bad idea!
6. Brings us closer to hyperinflation by raising the debt to 70%-85% of our GDP, printing more money, and the reluctance of congress to deal with the problem. Instead you continue to make it worse by spending more money with a bottomless bank account, as proof by the shameless pork added to the bill and most other bills.
7. We will be stuck with the bill via inflation
8. It is unconstitutional for this bill to originate in the senate because of the added new taxes and a suit should be filed against all senators who voted yes on this bill by violating their oath of office.
I hope the "do nothing congress", turned "do something congress" will become the "do the right thing" 111th congress.


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