Friday, November 21, 2008

A Wake-up Call Over The Anti-Christian Agenda of Public Education


The young man reported on in the above article from took his own life after receiving pressure from his peers and allegedly a Professor over his Christian beliefs. His Professor challenged him to read Dawkin's book "The God Delusion".

Several of his loved ones mentioned the fact that he liked to debate the issues. While I like debating probably more than the next person, it is not something that should be jumped into lightly. Atheists and non-Christians can get very nasty with their name calling in defending their philosophies of life.

Being a homeschooling mom I take these stories very seriously. But I do hope and pray that this was a rare, isolated occurrence. Although my skeptical head tells me it's not. It may just be that young influential teens don't always take these extreme measures when confronted with similar situations that question their beliefs.

Homeschooling only goes so far though. I can teach them strong values all the way through High School if my husband and I choose to. But once they reach college they may be suddenly exposed to similar discussions in classrooms and with peers at a young and vulnerable age when peer pressure can be overwhelming. I pray that I can establish the roots in my own children today to give them the strength in their faith they will need in a world of tomorrow. This world of tomorrow will no doubt be farther away from the morals of God than we faced in our school years. All the more reason for Christians to be in the world but not of the world.

I hope the anti-Christian agenda of today will start to be seen for what it is, anti, not neutral. Schools should not lean one way or the other. Yet everything they are teaching leans more towards atheism rather than neutrality and equality.

At the same time, our fight in the public school system should not necessarily be one of a pro-Christian agenda, which is arguably unconstitutional, but rather an equal rights agenda. We are not much better than Islamic extremists or the State Church that drove the pilgrims to seek an existence separate from their oppressive views. These establishments said, "My way or the highway". If we try to force our agenda on others they will fight back with their own agenda equally as persistently. By seeking equal rights for all, as our founding fathers intended, we may have a better chance to change things one person at a time.

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